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Health & Wellness

The experience I’ve gained allows me to step into this important role and serve as a bridge to connect our students with the resources and services that they need. This opportunity comes from grant funding and aligns with MJUSD’s Strategic Plan, Goal 4 (District Culture – Develop a plan in which MJUSD cultivates a culture where staff and community can share and celebrate its successes and best practices.)
As the Director of Wellness I will be responsible for designing and building a Wellness Program, which is one of the top priorities for our district. To do this, my team and I will work with school administrators to build out Wellness Hubs at each school to help support students who are impacted by social and emotional trauma as well as provide services to address classroom behaviors and improve academic outcomes. I look forward to working with our incredible team of wellness paraeducators, outreach consultants, counselors, nurses, and health aides to ensure no student is left behind. I am working to design the training program for Wellness staff, including elements of brain science, trauma informed practices, social emotional learning, and more.
We have a Wellness Center on the Lindhurst High School campus that serves as a safe space for students and offers access to a team of a therapist and social worker who are there to connect students with services, support, and resources. We are currently working with Yuba County Health and Human Services and Yuba County Office of Education to obtain grants to support the creation of additional Wellness Centers on multiple campuses, including Yuba Gardens, Cedar Lane, and Yuba Feather. Staff wellness is just as important as student wellness which is why our team is also focused on offering wellness-related professional development opportunities and creating a work environment that supports mental and emotional well-being. If you have any ideas or suggestions as we begin the creation of this program, please contact me at tperez@mjusd.k12.ca.us.
Tony Perez, MS. Ed, MBA
Director of Wellness
Marysville Joint Unified School District
530-740-6451 (Office)
School Base Services
School Base Services![]()
School Base Services
Medical / Dental / Vision
Medical Forms - COMING SOON