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Zach Pless
The Student Welfare and Attendance team is committed to supporting a safe and conducive learning environment for all students. We believe every student in our district, regardless of gender, gender identity, special needs, or social, ethnic, language, or economic background has a right to a high-quality education.  We believe that a safe, nurturing environment is necessary for learning.  We support students directly or connect them to the resources that they need to succeed.
Please reach out to our office if we can help in any way. Together we can!
Director of Student Welfare & Attendance

Liz Diaz, Student Discipline & Attendance Support Analyst - (530) 749-6172
Giselle Ferreira, SARB Secretary - (530) 749-6119
Heather Wolfe, Yuba County Truancy Officer
Deputy Rocco
Deputy LaRue
SRO Littlefield, Marysville Police Department