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Kynoch Elementary
Kynoch Elementary![]()
Kynoch Elementary

Construction complete!
The system came online on 1/23/2023 and is generating. The site has generated an estimated $37,415 worth of electricity since coming online.
Olivehurst Elementary
Olivehurst Elementary![]()
Olivehurst Elementary

Construction complete!
System online on 1/20/2023 and generating. The site has generated an estimated $35,890 worth of electricity since coming online.
Marysville High School
Marysville High School![]()
Marysville High School

Construction complete!
The system came online on 1/23/2023 and is generating. The site has generated an estimated $52,791 worth of electricity since coming online.
Yuba Gardens Intermediate
Yuba Gardens Intermediate![]()
Yuba Gardens Intermediate

Construction complete!
The system came online on 1/20/2023 and is generating. The site has generated an estimated $32,126 worth of electricity since coming online.
Solar Updates