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Use of Facilities
Marysville Unified School District welcomes community members, groups and organizations to use our facilities for athletic events, fundraisers, neighborhood meetings and more.
User Group Priority Classification and Fee Schedule 2024-25 Use of Facilities Fees
Submitting a Permit Checklist
Applications must be submitted at least twenty-one (21) working days prior to use
  1. Visit our
  2. Create an account or sign in (instructions)
  3. Select a school site and the facility you would like to reserve for your group
  4. Upload insurance Insurance example with endorsement requirements 
  5. Make a reservation request and staff will review and respond to your request
  6. Pay invoice (once paid, a permit will be approved)
1. Certificate Holder:
              Marysville Joint Unified School District
              1919 B Street
              Marysville, CA 95901
2. Commercial General Liability or Personal Liability on an occurrence form with a minimum limit of  $1,000,000 each occurrence / $2,000,000 general aggregate for all groups EXCEPT:
  • Seasonal Sports/Recreation Leagues, Sober Grad Organizations, or Private Events with 500+ attendees: Minimum limit of $2,000,000 each occurrence / $2,000,000 general aggregate.
  •  Year Round Sports/Recreation Leagues: Minimum limit of $5,000,000 each occurrence / $5,000,000 general aggregate.
  •  Use of Swimming Pool Minimum limit of $6,000,000 each occurrence / $6,000,000 general aggregate.
3. Additional Insured Endorsement: This is a separate form attached to the certificate. The endorsement must name the Marysville Joint Unified School District, its elected or appointed officials, employees, agents and volunteers as Additional Insured (or Additional Covered Party) under the general liability policy. Forms CG 2026 or CG 2011 or equivalent required. For purposes of the CG 2011 only, this Agreement shall be deemed to be a lease. Blanket Additional Insured forms are acceptable when accompanied with an approved Facility Use Agreement.
4. Evidence of Primary Insurance (either by endorsement or the actual page(s) of the policy typically found in the “Other Insurance” section of policy): Applicants insurance shall be primary insurance as respects to the Marysville Joint Unified School District, its elected or appointed officials, employees, agents and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the Marysville Joint Unified School District, its elected or appointed officials, employees, agents and volunteers shall be excess and shall not contribute with it.
Marysville Joint Unified School District
Facilities Department
1919 B Street
Marysville, CA 95901