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Covillaud Classroom Project

On Tuesday April 18, 2023 local officials, students, and staff gathered together for a groundbreaking ceremony to
celebrate the start of the Mary Covillaud Elementary School Modernization Project, which will transform
the aging school site with the addition of a new two-story building with 16 classrooms.
celebrate the start of the Mary Covillaud Elementary School Modernization Project, which will transform
the aging school site with the addition of a new two-story building with 16 classrooms.
“Ensuring that our students are receiving a quality education in comfortable classroom environments,
minimizes distractions and allows them to focus on learning,” said Superintendent Dr. Fal Asrani. “We are
growing tomorrow’s leaders right here in our schools and it is our job to make their educational
experience a positive one."
The current school building was built in 1950. Prior to that, a school building was built in 1913, designed
by the same architect who designed the famed Hearst Castle. The building was rebuilt in 1931 after a fire,
and eventually demolished at the end of World War II to pave the way for a new facility.
In addition to the new classroom building, students, staff and family members with special needs can also
expect accessibility upgrades in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that will make
the campus easier to navigate. The new classroom building and ADA improvements are expected to be
completed in January 2025.
Marysville Joint Unified School District has prioritized infrastructure improvements at school sites
throughout the district, investing over $55M in campus modernization projects, including several current
projects underway at Foothill Intermediate School, Marysville High School, and Lindhurst High School.
Foundation ready for concrete pour
Foundation ready for concrete pour![]()
Setting up concrete equipment
Setting up concrete equipment![]()
Pouring the foundation