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Summer Odesha - Secretary
(530) 740-6497
Karla DeLaPaz - Facilities Accountant
(530) 740-6481
John Upton - Maintenance Supervisor
(530) 749-6184
Maurice Negueloua - Grounds Supervisor
(530) 740-6185
Ed Lawther - Custodial Supervisor
(530) 740-6910
Buildings and Grounds

The purpose and function of MJUSD Building and Grounds department is to provide a safe, clean and inviting environment for our students and staff to thrive in each day. The Building and grounds department is made up of a multitude of workers and comprehensive skill sets. Our department is inclusive of 15 maintenance workers, 12 groundskeepers, and 46 full-time custodians. Each of the departments, although separate in task, work comprehensively with care and consideration to maintain 23 schools as well as the district office and numerous other properties totaling over one million square feet of building space. The Buildings and Grounds department also oversees all new construction within our sites which can include everything from the construction of new buildings, to playgrounds, or any other need of the district.
The goal of the Building and Grounds department is to continue working strategically to upgrade our facilities and grounds as well as make the transition to becoming an energy-independent district.
Please contact us with any questions you may have.
Program Report
Program Report![]()
Program Report
In 2006, the Marysville Joint Unified School District started a journey of a multi-million dollar renovation and building program that has been addressing needs, both site specific and District wide. Today, the journey continues as the District treads through thick economic hardships. The Funding for the construction and modernization is made available through Developer Fees, Certificates of Participation (COPS), State Matching from State Bonds and the passage of both Measure H (2006) and P (2008).
The District has a basic belief in that all students will meet certain requirements for grade level promotion and ultimately graduation. Through a well planned facilities program, it is the intent of the District to provide new facilities that will offer opportunity for students through quality teaching and learning environments. These environments will provide flexibility, functionality and durability using sustainable building components whenever possible and maximizing comfort and efficiency. The District facilities program includes identification of ways to address aging facilities throughout the District.
To ensure the Districts intent is carried out, the facilities department is taking steps to accomplish uniformity of approach to the projects by the various design teams. In cooperation with District staff members, the facilities program will express the need and desire with respect to quality in material and "green" construction, incorporating design not only to enhance learning, safety and health, but also to save energy and protect the environment. The specific needs are identified in a document that the Marysville Joint Unified School District has adopted as the Districts "Design Standards".
In addition to the current aging facilities, the District facilities program is identifying needs based on increasing enrollment. However, due to lack of sufficient monies, the District will not be able to address all needs as identified through the planning stage. To compensate for budget reality, together with consultants and feedback from District staff members, a master plan has been created for each school site. The master plans will be split into multiple phases that will allow for construction today while minimizing coordination issues at a later date with construction of future phases.
Also, as our State is faced with an unprecedented budget shortfall, the current economic crisis will impact many of the Phase 1 projects, as previously identified in the master plans. The State has delayed matching fund releases for projects throughout California, including many of our own. The facilities department continues to work closely with the state and more specifically with the Office of Public School Construction (OPSC) and the State Allocation Board (SAB), who are responsible for determining the allocation of state resources used for new construction and modernization, for potential timelines on release of the state matching funds.
The facilities program may require modifications based on current economic times. Today's budget challenges may force planning in a different direction and therefore further phasing on the master plans may be required.
For current status of the construction progress, please view the Project Summary Report by accessing the link below.
The facilities department is available for questions, comments and/or concerns at the number above.
The District has a basic belief in that all students will meet certain requirements for grade level promotion and ultimately graduation. Through a well planned facilities program, it is the intent of the District to provide new facilities that will offer opportunity for students through quality teaching and learning environments. These environments will provide flexibility, functionality and durability using sustainable building components whenever possible and maximizing comfort and efficiency. The District facilities program includes identification of ways to address aging facilities throughout the District.
To ensure the Districts intent is carried out, the facilities department is taking steps to accomplish uniformity of approach to the projects by the various design teams. In cooperation with District staff members, the facilities program will express the need and desire with respect to quality in material and "green" construction, incorporating design not only to enhance learning, safety and health, but also to save energy and protect the environment. The specific needs are identified in a document that the Marysville Joint Unified School District has adopted as the Districts "Design Standards".
In addition to the current aging facilities, the District facilities program is identifying needs based on increasing enrollment. However, due to lack of sufficient monies, the District will not be able to address all needs as identified through the planning stage. To compensate for budget reality, together with consultants and feedback from District staff members, a master plan has been created for each school site. The master plans will be split into multiple phases that will allow for construction today while minimizing coordination issues at a later date with construction of future phases.
Also, as our State is faced with an unprecedented budget shortfall, the current economic crisis will impact many of the Phase 1 projects, as previously identified in the master plans. The State has delayed matching fund releases for projects throughout California, including many of our own. The facilities department continues to work closely with the state and more specifically with the Office of Public School Construction (OPSC) and the State Allocation Board (SAB), who are responsible for determining the allocation of state resources used for new construction and modernization, for potential timelines on release of the state matching funds.
The facilities program may require modifications based on current economic times. Today's budget challenges may force planning in a different direction and therefore further phasing on the master plans may be required.
For current status of the construction progress, please view the Project Summary Report by accessing the link below.
The facilities department is available for questions, comments and/or concerns at the number above.
2022-23 Buildings and Grounds Master Plan
2022-23 Buildings and Grounds Master Plan![]()
Reports and Board Presentations