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Success Through After School Recreation & Studies

Success Through After School Recreation & Studies

STARS logo
To create a safe, inclusive, and engaging environment for all students.
Provide students with a high quality after school experience. 
Stars TK-6th Grade

Stars TK-6th Grade

The STARS program at Marysville Joint Unified School District was established in December 2006 to provide after school enrichment to students at schools. The after school program offers students a safe place to go where they have an opportunity to complete their homework and participate in enrichment activities. We make efforts to enroll homeless, foster youth, and disenfranchised students. School sites offer a variety of enrichment activities based on student needs and interests. They may include: arts and crafts, physical fitness, health promotion, music, career awareness, service learning, coding, readers theater, computer skills, and more! 
We strive to establish positive relationships with students and provide them with meaningful, enjoyable activities. Recreation and a supper meal are offered everyday. 
The program is free to all students. 
Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule

Hours of operation:
All school days immediately after school until 6 P.M. including minimum days.

  • Supper
  • Homework Help
  • Enrichment Activities
  • Recreation
Enrollment for the following school year traditionally happens in the month of April. An announcement will go out to parents. You can also check our website. 
Quality standards: 
  • Safe and supportive environment
  • Active and engaged learning 
  • Skill building 
  • Youth voice and leadership 
  • Healthy choices and behaviors 
  • Diversity, access and equity 
Contact Us

Contact Us

Arboga - 701-9687
Browns Valley - 649-3531
Cedar Lane - 701-9639
Cordua - 682-9411
Covillaud - 701-9642
Dobbins - 701-9646
Edgewater - 701-1409
Ella - 701-9643
Johnson Park - 682-7937
Kynoch - 682-9438
Linda - 682-7936
Loma Rica - 635-6101
Olivehurst - 682-9990
Yuba Feather - 740-4040