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Archery Program
Yuba-Sutter Archery Association runs an
Indoor Archery Program at the
Marysville Youth and Community Center.
(1830 B Street, Marysville)
(1830 B Street, Marysville)
Mondays and Thursdays
Between September and May
Coaches and equipment available at both sessions:
Youth Session - 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
Evening Session - 5 pm to 7:30 pm
($5.00 adult, $2.50 under 18 years old)
All archers, beginning and experienced, are welcome to participate.
Participants must be at least 5 years old.
Students under 12 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Please call at least one day ahead (530-749-6196) for groups of five or more.
All styles (excluding crossbow and broad head tips) are welcome, all archers are welcome.
20 target lanes available, target faces supplied, 5 to 20 yard distances
For more information call 530.749.6196
Field Trips
Field Trips![]()
September - Last Weekend (Fri-Sat-Sun)
Annual Tradtional Archers Tournament
Sonoma Traditional Archers
Rancho Neblina, Petaluma
Last weekend in September
Fee: $15.00
Fee: $15.00
Meet at Marysville Youth and Community Center
1830 B Street, Marysville, CA
We will return Sunday evening
Meals are provided by Yuba-Sutter Archery or American Indian Education Programs
Open to experienced archers who participate in Archery Program only
November 24 - SUNDAY
Annual Turkey Shoot Archery Tournament
Nevada County Sportsman's Club
11296 Banner Mountain Trail, Nevada City
Registration: 7:30 - 8:30 AM
Tournament begins: 9:00 AM
Fee: $15.00
Top score wins turkey, then every 5th score
Meet at Marysville Youth and Community Center
Tournament begins: 9:00 AM
Fee: $15.00
Top score wins turkey, then every 5th score
Meet at Marysville Youth and Community Center
1830 B Street, Marysville, CA
6:30 AM
All day event, return to Marysville early evening, about 3:30 - 4:00 PM
Open to experienced archers who participate in Archery Program only.
December 14 - SATURDAY
Annual Ham Shoot Archery Tournament
Nevada County Sportsman's Club
11296 Banner Mountain Trail, Nevada City
Registration: 7:30 - 8:30 AM
Tournament begins: 9:00 AM
Fee: $15.00
Top score wins turkey, then every 5th score
Meet at Marysville Youth and Community Center
Tournament begins: 9:00 AM
Fee: $15.00
Top score wins turkey, then every 5th score
Meet at Marysville Youth and Community Center
1830 B Street, Marysville, CA at 6:00 AM
All day event, return to Marysville early evening, about 3:30 - 4:00 PM
Open to experienced archers who participate in the archery program.
Around The World 3d Archery Shoot
Maya Archers, Roseville
Fee: $10
Meet at Marysville Youth and Civic Center,
1830 B Street, Marysville 6:30 am
All Day event, we will return around 6 pm
Open to experienced archers who participate in the archery program.
Third Thursday in May
3 pm and 5:30 pm
Flaming Arrows Pizza Tournament
Marysville Youth and Civic Center
1830 B Street, Marysville
Fee: $2
Open to experienced archers.
Field trips are approved by the American Indian Education Program Parent Committee.
Currently the following trips have been approved:
Point Reyes Fielfd Trip, March 25-26-27, 2025
California Conference on American Indian Education, Chico, March 20-21-22, 2025
Summer Family Culture Camp, Sycamore Ranch, June 24-28, 2024
Future field trips can include attending Pow wows, visiting Effie Yeaw Nature Center in Carmichael, visiting Maidu Interpretive Museum in Rocklin, visiting visiting State Indian Museum in Sacramento.
All field trips are sponsored by the American Indian Education Program of the Marysville Joint Unified School District.
Unless otherwise stated, participation is limited to students enrolled in the program and their families.
Preregistration is required.
Additional requirements and limitations may apply to some field trips.
Unless otherwise stated, participation is limited to students enrolled in the program and their families.
Preregistration is required.
Additional requirements and limitations may apply to some field trips.