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Orders and Services

P.O. with Receiving
Requires a detailed itemized listing of each item being purchased. SKU or item number from the vendor must be included, as well as a description of the item. This is the most common type of purchase requisition.

P.O. without Receiving
This requisition type is also known as a “blanket” or “open” P.O. A P.O. without Receiving requires a not to exceed amount including tax and shipping. This requisition type may not be used for purchases of items with a unit cost value of $500 or more, as those items require fixed asset tagging. Your requisition should contain in the description the following verbiage: “Open P.O. for [type of item being purchased, i.e. supplies and materials] as authorized by [title and name of director or principal] for the period from [first day of fiscal year] through [last day of fiscal year]. If items are being picked up, enter the names and driver’s license numbers of all authorized purchasers in the Message After field when entering the purchase requisition.

Consultant Services
Type the description of services to be performed, dates of service, and method of payment on the purchase requisition. Attach the service agreement (Contact the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services for this document) and board approved minutes (if required) to the requisition and submit for approval. Reference the Contracts and Agreements section of this manual for detailed information with regard to when board approval is required.

Goods or Services Received Without a P.O. #
Goods or services received without a Purchase Order are a violation of District Policy. The District shall not be responsible for unauthorized purchases. Contact the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services to obtain authorization for payment of goods or services received without a Purchase Order. If you obtain authorization, enter the Requisition as follows:
  1. Use the Ship-To code: 71B
  2. Enter a P.O. without Receiving for the exact invoice amount.
  3. In the description field type a full itemized description of each item purchased, including model numbers, serial numbers, the invoice number, and the date you received the product or services.
  4. Attach email confirmation from the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services for payment of goods or services received without a Purchase Order.
Attachments to the Escape Requisition
All information helpful for processing the requisition should be attached in PDF format in the Attachments tab in the Escape financial system. This includes detailed product information, all quotes (both the awarded quote and the other quotes requested), and any correspondence that will assist the Purchasing Department in processing.