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Stores Requisitions

Warehouse stock orders are identified as Stores Requisitions in the Escape financial system. The District maintains and operates a central warehouse that stocks commonly used supplies. Bulk quantity ordering and off-site storage provides a convenient and cost effective means for site and department personnel to procure commonly used supplies.

The majority of supplies utilized within the District are typically stored in the District Warehouse. The Purchasing Department makes every effort to consistently stock all commonly used supplies in the Warehouse. Suggestions for additions to Warehouse stock are welcome and should be directed to the Purchasing Department.
Categories of stocked items include:
    • General Instructional/Office Supplies
    • Paper Products
    • Athletic/Playground Supplies
    • Health/First Aid Supplies
    • Custodial Supplies
    • Forms Lighting Supplies/Surge Protectors

Warehouse Stores requisition ordering procedures for Escape clerical support users:
  • Determine items to be ordered (see District warehouse catalog). With the Escape Online 5 financial system you can print your own text only warehouse catalog anytime. Just follow the steps below: Under “Finance” menu option choose “Reports,” then choose “Admin” Open “Stores Catalog” report option Section 2 has a “Department” field – once your cursor is in this field, use the down arrow to select “Purchasing Dept.” In the “Grouping Option” section “Group 1” use the down arrow to choose the sort #3: “By Stores Item #” Select the “Go” button in the upper left corner of your screen Once the catalog report appears on your screen you can print the catalog
  • Determine appropriate account code(s) to use and verify funds are available in each account. If funds are not available, the site will need to submit a budget transfer, which will then need to be approved online and posted prior to stores requisition submittal.
  • Create and submit an electronic stores requisition utilizing Escape. From the Escape activity tree you will need to choose “Requisitions,” “Stores Requisitions,” “New,” and “Purchasing Department” to begin the process. Please contact Purchasing for any training needs. To review the process in Escape you may utilize the “Tools” pull down at the right of the green title header section while in the Stores Requisition activity and select the ‘How To” manual or view the “Tutorial.”
Escape screen image
You will primarily focus on using the following tabs within a stores requisition: “Requisition,” “Item,” and “Accounts.” The “Notes” tab is used to input justification as outlined below. If you are using an account tied to categorical dollars, the program justification will need to be input in the internal message of the requisition, which can be located by choosing the “Notes” tab, selecting “new,” then entering the information. For long notes, this message area will automatically wrap as you continue typing.
Helpful Hint: If you do not know the item number, you can utilize the lookup feature when you are in the stores item # field. You can enter one or more alpha characters, the first two digits of the item number, or a zero”0,” to view a complete warehouse listing. A list will come up to select from and you can sort by number or description by selecting the titles at the top. You can also see the available quantities for each item on the list.
  • Once the stores requisition is submitted, Escape will assign a specific stores requisition number to the order that you may wish to make note of. Once submitted, the requisitions will usually be pending one or more online approvals in Escape. Approvals are defined by funding source and dollar amount. Often the first approval required is that of the site principal. After submitting a requisition, you may view who the pending approvers are by viewing the requisition and choosing the “Approvals” tab.
  • You may check the status of your requisition at any time in Escape by viewing the specific stores requisition number. Stores requisition statuses can include: Submitted (for pending approvals), Approved, Completed, and Denied.
  • Warehouse staff prints approved requisitions each morning. Once an approved stores requisition is printed and if there are no backordered items, the requisition status will change to “Completed.” If backorders are applicable, the requisition will remain in “Approved” status until the backordered items are filled.
  • General warehouse stock deliveries for valley schools and departments are then delivered in the afternoon. For all foothill school locations, deliveries occur on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  • For warehouse stock return needs, please send the item back to the warehouse and include a copy of the current school year stores requisition from which the item was ordered, notating the item being returned, reason for return, and quantity. Let the warehouse know in advance that you have a return so they can coordinate a pick-up time.