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Vendor Requisitions

Vendor requisitions are used to procure items not stocked in the warehouse or to arrange for services (assemblies, consultants, field trip insurance or admission fees, service contracts, software licenses, etc.). These requisitions should always be processed in advance as outlined below. In general, these requisitions go through an Escape online approval process, arrive in the Purchasing approval queue, are reviewed, and are updated/changed as needed. The vendor requisition is printed, assigned an official purchase order number, and the purchase order is signed. The authorized, signed purchase order vendor copy is then provided to the vendor to fulfill the order.

Vendor requisition ordering procedures for Escape clerical support users:
  • Determine the item(s) or service to be ordered. Identify the appropriate account code(s) to be charged and verify funds are available in each account. If funds are not available, the site will need to submit a budget transfer, which will then need to be online approved and posted prior to vendor requisition submittal.
  • Create and submit an electronic vendor requisition utilizing Escape. From the Escape activity tree you will need to choose “Requisitions,” “Vendor Requisitions,” “New,” and “Purchasing Department” to begin the process. Please contact Purchasing for any training needs. To review the process in Escape you may utilize the “Tools” pull down at the right of the green title header section while in the Vendor Requisition activity and select the ‘How To” manual or view the “Tutorial” overview offered.

    Escape screen image
Vendor Requisition Tab definitions:
  • Requisition – This is the basic information about the requisition: vendor, requisition number, order location, delivery information, status, etc.
  • Items – This is the line item information. It lists what is being ordered, quantity, unit type, cost, etc.
  • Accounts – This is the account information. It lists each account for the requisition.
  • Payments – This lists the payment history for the purchase order, including invoice number, invoice date, amount, unpaid sales tax, payment date, etc.
  • Approvals – This lists all of the approvals for the requisition
  • Assets – This lists all of the assets created from the line items of the requisition.
  • Attachments – This is any pertinent document (PDF, Word, Excel, or image files) that should be “attached” to the requisition to provide more detail. Escape Online automatically attaches change/cancel notices.
  • Notes – This is additional internal communication information that you want kept with the record. It can also be displayed in reports.
  • History – This contains historical records of all information that has changed and by whom. It can also be displayed in reports.
You will primarily focus on using the following tabs within a vendor requisition: “Requisition,” “Item,” “Accounts,” “Attachments,” and “Notes.”
Requisition Tab
Within the Requisition tab, there are six sections which include various fields. Some fields are required, others are optional or may be auto filled. Fields with a lock next to them are automatically populated by the system.

Section 1 - Requisition Information: You will notice the system will automatically populate the “Requisitioner,” “Request Date,” and “Order Location” fields. The delivery field will default to the warehouse, location 71. If your requisition type will be “PO w/o receiving” (defined below) you may need to change the delivery location from the 71 (Warehouse) default. Other options include: “71A” for “Pick-up” used when staff will be picking items up, and “71B” for “See Below.” “71B” is primarily used for requisitions that are “For Accounting Purposes Only,” such as field trip insurance. Additionally you may use the school site location number for assemblies/consultants or for smaller orders being delivered direct to the site. Also, in this section, there is a red dot next to the “Comment” field (red dots denote mandatory fields). This field does not print out on the purchase order. It will print on reports and is viewable on requisition lists. Sites can choose to use this field to provide quick reference for information such as: “Classroom Supplies,” “Math Dept,” “Science Fair,” etc.

Section 2 - Vendor Information: This is where you specify the vendor and the order type. A new requisition will have the “Order Type” field default to “PO with Receiving.” PO with Receiving is used for central warehouse receiving of books, supplies, furniture, equipment, computers, etc. including, but not limited to, any items that require an inventory tag. The warehouse checks the delivered items in and electronically receives items in the Escape financial system for payment purposes. The items are then delivered to the sites.
This field can be changed to PO without Receiving by placing your cursor in the field and using the pull down arrow. The order type, “PO w/o Receiving,” would be used for services such as assemblies, consultants, admission fees, and service contracts. The “PO w/o Receiving” order type would also be used for materials/supplies delivered direct to the site.

Vendor ID Field - The vendor lookup requires you to enter at least the first two characters of a vendor’s name before it presents a list of vendors to choose from by using the pull down arrow. Once a vendor is selected, you can then confirm the correct address is displayed. If the default address is not the one you need, you can use the pull down in the Vendor Address ID field to select a different address in the system. If neither the vendor nor the address needed is available in the system, please utilize the vendor “Undefined” and add the new vendor information (name, address, phone, fax) in the internal “Notes” tab of the requisition so that a new vendor can be added by Purchasing once the requisition is in approved status. A completed W-9 form from the vendor is required prior to new vendor input. In addition, A Form CA-590 is required from the vendor if services will be provided.

If you need to reference a proposal or quote number, you should utilize the Quote Number field for this purpose.

Note: Sections 3 & 5 require no action by the requisitioner.

Section 4 - Order Cost Information: If shipping is applicable to your order you can input a specific shipping percent in the percent field and the system will automatically calculate your shipping for you after you have input your item(s) to be ordered. If you know the flat fee for shipping you can choose to input a specific dollar amount in the “Shipping Amount” field. The tax on shipping field will default to “No”; however, if you know the shipping is taxable, you can simply utilize the down arrow and change this field to “Yes.”
Section 6 – Accounting Information: This section allows you to use the lookup function to select from one of three account distribution methods:
Manual - Allows you to manually enter amounts for accounts on the Accounts tab. Note: This is the default method.
Percentage- Allows you to enter percentages for accounts on the Accounts tab.
Line Item - Allows you to enter an account on the Line Items tab to “tie” that account to that line item. The system automatically copies those accounts to the Accounts tab and calculates the dollar amount tied to each account.

Item Tab
The Item tab allows you to input information details for items being ordered from the vendor. Once you choose the Item tab, select “new,” and add item information to each field as applicable (see information below). For each additional line item choose “save/new”, then choose “save/close” when you input the last item.
Section 1 – Item Order Information
  • Order Quantity – The requisitioner should enter the number of items for the specific description. Be careful to note the Order Unit.
  • Order Unit – Verify the Order Unit (case, pallet, etc.). This is will automatically default to “EACH.”
  • Description – This is the description of the item ordered. Please include the complete product name, catalog or item number, and manufacturer name/number/size/color as applicable.
  • Unit Price – Enter the unit price. Please confirm that you have a current unit price from a current company catalog, order form, website, or quote.
  • Extended Cost – This is automatically generated. This is the product of the Order Quantity multiplied by the Unit Price, rounded to two decimals.
  • Taxable – The default is yes, as supplies and materials will be taxable (we pay sales tax direct to the state for vendors that may not add it to their invoice). If this field is “Yes,” Escape will automatically generate the Tax Rate and the applicable amount. If you use the pull down arrow to change the field to “No” for non-taxable services, the system will not apply tax to this item. Message Before – If needed, enter a message that will appear before the line item on the purchase order. If this field is blank, the lookup window will present you with a list of messages. If the field contains any text, the lookup window will present you with the notepad editor. This way, you can select one of the “standard” messages and then edit it.
  • Message After – If needed, enter a message that will appear after the line item on the purchase order. This field works the same as the Message Before field.

    Copying Line Items
    You can copy any number of line items in any order from another vendor requisition if your requisition is in the Open status.
  1. Open the target requisition (the one you want to copy
  2. Select the Copy Line Items option from the Task menu on the Items tab.
  3. Enter the requisition number you wish to copy from.
  4. Leave the line items field blank to copy all line items, or enter the line items to be copied in the order in which you want them to appear in the requisition (e.g., enter 5,1-3,7 to copy items 5,1,2,3,7 in that order; or enter 5-1 to copy line items one through five in reverse order; or enter 1-3,5,7-9 to copy all line items except 4 and 6.). You may only enter numbers, commas, and dashes to define your line item list.
  5. Select OK
Section 2 – Account Information
  • Account Number – If you selected Manual or Percentage, this field is locked.
If you selected Line Item in the Account Distribution Option field on the Requisition tab, enter the account number for this line item. Escape Online will automatically copy the account number and Extended Cost (plus tax, if applicable) to the Accounts tab. To use the lookup, you would select “New” then enter a partial account number (such as 01 for the Fund number), then select the down arrow box to the right of the account number to view accounts to choose from.

Note: Sections 3 & 5 require no action by the requisitioner.

Section 4 – Asset Information
  • Create Asset – Enter “Yes” if the item is to become a fixed asset item upon receiving.
  • Asset Group – Use the lookup to enter the asset group if the item is to become a fixed asset. This is required for fixed assets to be created.
  • Asset Category – Enter the asset category if the item is to become a fixed asset. Use the lookup window to see only those categories that are part of the asset group entered in the previous field. This is required for fixed assets to be created.

Accounts Tab
The Accounts tab is related to the account distribution option for the requisition (defined within the requisition tab).

Manual Distribution (default option in section 6 of the requisition tab):
  • Account Number – Required. You simply input the account(s) for the order. You can use more than one, and you can look them up using a lookup window.
  • Amount – Required. Input the amount you wish to pay with the corresponding account. This defaults to the total cost (for the first account) or the remaining cost for subsequent accounts.
  • Percentage – Read Only for this distribution method. Escape Online calculates the percentage based on the requisition total and the amounts defined.
  • Percentage Distribution (to utilize, select in section 6 of the requisition tab prior to line item entry)
  • Account Number – Required. You simply input the account(s) for the order. You can use more than one, and you can look them up using a lookup window.
  • Amount – Read Only for this distribution method. Escape Online calculates the amount based on the requisition total and the percentages defined.
  • Percentage – Required. Enter the percentage of the total of distribution between accounts. This defaults to the total cost (for the first account) or the remaining cost for subsequent accounts.
Line Item Distribution (to utilize, select in section 6 of the requisition tab prior to line item entry)
Account Number – Required. Each line item will have an account. Escape Online will automatically add these accounts to the tab when you enter them in the line item. Only one account can be tied to a line item, but several line items can be tied to a single account.

Amount/Percentage - Read Only for this distribution method. Escape Online calculates the amount and the percentage based on the dollar amount tied to each account across line items.

Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab allows you to “link” documents to the requisition. You can add PDF, Word, Excel, or image files. Note: Vendor quotes/proposals should be attached. For items attached to the requisitions, there is no need to send the hard copy to Purchasing.
  1. Go to the Attachments tab
  2. Select New
  3. Browse to the file on your hard drive or network, using the browse button in the File Attached field.
  4. Save the record. You can add a short description in the attachment Description field identifying the item, if the file title is vague. Once attached, files cannot be changed.

The file will be copied to the application server, becoming available for viewing by all Escape Online users with access to the record.

Notes Tab
The Notes tab allows you to add internal notes to almost any document in Escape Online. Basically, it is one huge field of unlimited length, which will auto wrap and you can use for any internal communication information. This information does not print out on the PO.

If you are using a Categorical related account, the program justification will need to be input in the requisition notes tab.
All users will be able to read the internal note when viewing the record. However, only you will be able to edit it. This is true regardless of the status of the document.
To create a note, go to the “Notes” tab and select the “New” button.

Requisition Submittal
To submit a requisition, you must enter all required fields, plus a vendor, at least one account and one line item. All amounts must be distributed. When you select this task, the requisition is submitted, a journal entry is posted, a history record is written and approval records are written to the Approvals tab.

Once a requisition is saved or submitted for the first time a requisition number is assigned for tracking purposes. You may wish to document the requisition number to quickly view the requisition in the future; however, you can always view requisitions by other search criteria such as vendor name, school year, item description, etc. Note: The requisition number is not an authorized purchase order number and should not be given to a vendor. See Purchasing Policies section.

Approval Tab
After a requisition is submitted, the Approval tab will allow you to see which approvals are required, if they have been approved, and by whom and when.