- Policies
- Who is Responsible?
- Conflict of Interest
- Toxic Art Supplies
- Procurement
- Vendor Relations and Responsibility
- Receiving and Returns
- Orders and Services
- Contracts and Agreements
- Requisitions
- Stores Requisitions
- Vendor Requisitions
- Surplus Property Handling
- Mail Handling Procedures
- Obsolete Textbooks
- Print Shop Services
- Useful Documents

The Purchasing Department is responsible for acquiring quality supplies, equipment, and services at the best possible prices. Our goal is to provide prompt response to schools and department needs. We process about 6,000 purchase requisitions per year. We acquire goods through informal price quotations, formal quotations, or formal competitive bidding, depending on the expected cost and type of goods and services.
Thank you for visiting our website. Please contact us regarding any questions that you may have.
Director of Purchasing, Warehouse, and Print Shop
Purchasing Staff
Kelly O'Rourke - Buyer
Michael Buckland - Buyer
Warehouse Staff
Cloyd Young - Storekeeper
Nathen Heslop - Warehouseman II
Jorge Garcia-Reyes - Warehouseman II
Print Shop Staff
Kevin Herburger - Graphics Services Coordinator
Steven Stanaland - Graphics Technician I
Purpose and Function of the Purchasing Department
Purpose and Function of the Purchasing Department![]()
Purpose and Function of the Purchasing Department
Under the direction of the Superintendent of Business Services, Marysville Joint Unified School District operates a centralized purchasing system administered directly by the Director of Purchasing, Warehouse, and Print Shop.
The functions of the centralized purchasing system include:
- The purchase of supplies, equipment, and services at the maximum end-use value per dollar spent.
- The development of bid specifications, receipt of bids, and maintenance of contracts related to bids.
- Maintenance of contracts
- Maintenance of warehouse inventory to ensure quick delivery of stock items.
- Administration of the District’s equipment inventory, including the purchase and fixed asset tagging of equipment for identification, as well as the sale or disposal of obsolete and/or surplus property.
The centralized purchasing system of Marysville Joint Unified School District exists solely to serve the schools and departments of the District. We utilize professional procedures which account for multiple volume purchases and lower costs through standardization. In addition, the purchasing staff keeps up-to-date information on available products, services, and vendors available to the District, as well as being knowledgeable about the various laws and regulations required for purchasing by a governmental agency.
The fundamental objectives of this central purchasing unit are to:
- Ensure “cost effectiveness,” in order for the District to obtain the best products or services for the dollar, achieving the lowest ultimate cost rather than the lowest initial price and thus obtaining the most economical use of District resources
- Provide high quality service. The Purchasing Department continually researches new products and vendor sources, and strives to provide a quick response time to purchasing and delivery requests
- Maintain strong internal controls to safeguard District assets by preventing theft or waste of resources, as well as ensuring that all applicable laws and regulations are followed
The Purchasing staff is here to help you. Please allow us to use our purchasing expertise on your behalf for all your supply and service needs.
Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics![]()
Code of Ethics
- Consider first the interests of the School District and the betterment of the educational program of the District.
- Endeavor to obtain the greatest value for every tax dollar expended in a manner conducive to good business practices and in compliance with statutory requirements.
- Strive for knowledge of school equipment and supplies in order to recommend items that may either reduce costs or increase the efficiency of the educational program.
- Give responsible bidders equal consideration and the assurance of unbiased judgment in determining whether their products meet the educational needs of the District.
- Discourage the offer of and decline gifts or favors, which might influence or be construed to influence the purchase of goods or services.
- Accord a prompt and courteous reception, insofar as conditions permit, to all that call on legitimate business missions.
- Be over mindful of the reason for the existence of the Purchasing function: to provide support to the various entities of the District charged with the responsibility of creating an educational environment of excellence.
- Constantly seek, identify and implement strategies and techniques that will enhance the level of service provided by the Purchasing function.
Purchasing Manual
Purchasing Manual![]()
Purchasing Manual
All services are provided to help support a quality instructional program for the District’s students. The purpose of this manual is to outline important policies and procedures that guide these services and to provide a reference tool and a valuable training tool to assist school site and District Office staff.
To that end, this reference manual has been developed so that all staff members are aware of the important procedures that will allow them to obtain the services and materials that are:
- Appropriate
- Efficient and cost effective
- While meeting all legal and internal control requirements
Table of Contents
- Policies
- Who Is Responsible?
- Conflict of Interest
- Toxic Art Supplies
- Procurement
- Vendor Relations and Responsibility
- Receiving and Returns
- Orders and Services
- Contracts and Agreements
- Requisitions
- Stores Requisitions
- Vendor Requisitions
- Surplus Property Handling
- Mail Handling Procedures
- Obsolete Textbooks
- Print Shop Services
- Useful documents